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Offline Instrumentation


The notion of outline instrumentation is extended to the offline case where the program potentially runs outside of the EVM. detectEr implements a middleware component that emulates the EVM tracing infrastructure. The enables detectEr to employ the same outline instrumentation algorithm we use in Outline Instrumentation for offline instrumentation too. Offline set-ups are generally the slowest in terms of verdict detection, by comparison to the inline and outline forms of instrumentation. This stems from the dependence outline instrumentation has on the timely availability of pre-recorded runtime traces that are subject to external software entities, such as, files.

Our outline instrumentation middleware logic is encapsulated in the log_tracer module that exposes a trace/1 function to dynamically attach to processes. The log_tracer module relies on log files at the medium through which programs can communicate trace events to the offline set-up. detectEr can process plain text log files containing complete program runs, or actively monitor files for changes to dynamically dispatch events to analysers while the program is executing and updating the log file. Of course, the log file in question must be known to both the program that writes to it and the log_tracer module reading events. Offline instrumentation supports the five events fork, init, exit, send, and recv, but assumes that event entries in log files are written in a pre-determined format recognisable by detectEr. Events must be written one per line, structured as described in the table below.

Program event Event entry pattern Entry variable Description
fork fork(P₁, P₂, {Mod, Fun, Args}) P₁ PID of the parent process spawning P₂
P₂ PID of the child process spawned by P₁
{Mod, Fun, Args} Function signature consisting of the module, function and arguments
init init(P₂, P₁, {Mod, Fun, Args}) P₁ PID of the parent process spawning P₂
P₂ PID of the child process spawned by P₁
{Mod, Fun, Args} Function signature consisting of the module, function and arguments
exit exit(P₁, Reason) P₁ PID of the terminated process
Reason Termination reason
send send(P₁, P₂, Msg) P₁ PID of the process issuing the message
P₂ PID of the recipient process
Msg Message payload
recv recv(P₂, Msg) P₂ PID of the recipient process
Msg Message payload

The calculator server program

To demonstrate outline instrumentation, we once more use a buggy version of our calculator server that subtracts numbers, rather than adding them. This Python implementation operates similar to the Erlang and Elixir analogues, but messages are exchanged in plain text over TCP sockets. The buggy and correct server implementations may be found in the examples/python directory.

Both versions of this server expose the function start() that accepts the argument n. start() launches a thread that initialises and binds to a socket, and then repeatedly listens for incoming client connections on port 8080. This server loop mirrors the operation of our Erlang and Elixir implementations seen earlier. Its communication protocol is, however, adapted slightly to suit the TCP setting.

In order for us to use offline instrumentation, the server needs to communicate its events externally. This, it does by writing events using the standard Python logging facility in a user-specified log file. The Python module provides a command line interface that launches the function start(). This CLI accepts two arguments, n, the request count to start the server with, and log, the file path of the log file where program events are written.

Launch a new terminal emulator window, navigate to the root detectEr directory, and:

  1. Change the directory to example/python:

    [duncan@local]:/detecter$ cd examples/python
    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python$ ls -l
    -rw-r--r--  1 duncan  duncan  1197 Jun 14 09:22 Makefile
    drwxr-xr-x  4 duncan  duncan   128 Jun 14 09:22 props
    drwxr-xr-x  3 duncan  duncan    96 Jun 14 09:22 src
  2. For the case of Python, we need to create a new virtual environment where all our dependencies can be installed in a sandbox that does not affect the global Python installation on your system. We do this via the virtualenv tool. If you have not already installed virtualenv for Python 3, follow the instructions in the Installing the virtual environment management tool section.

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python$ virtualenv venv
    created virtual environment in 1230ms
  3. Next, we launch the virtual environment, change directory to src, and start the server. The server is started with a n value of 0, and set to write logs to the file /detecter/examples/python/trace.log.

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python$ source venv/bin/activate
    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python (venv)$ cd src
    [duncan@local]:/examples/python/src (venv)$ python -m demo.calc_server_bug 0 ../trace.log
    Started server on

    Now that that server is bound to port 8080 on localhost, it is ready to accept TCP requests.

  4. Communication with the server can be established via telnet. Launch a new terminal emulator window, and type:

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python telnet localhost 8080
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.

    The server terminal window should indicate that a client is connected, displaying a message similar to ‘Connected by’.

  5. The calculator server communication protocol is text-based. Request operations start with a forward slash /, followed by the operation name (e.g., add) and its arguments, separated by spaces. Every command is terminated with a carriage return. Let us try performing an addition request from the telnet CLI by typing:

    /add 10 97

    We get the incorrect result of addition as expected. On the server terminal window, you should be able to see the output:

    Received command /add 10.0 97.0.
  6. Having started the server and issued a first request, we are now in a position to examine the events that our Python server writes to trace.log. We can actively monitor this file from the terminal via the tail utility. Launch a third terminal emulator window, make sure you are in examples/python, and tail trace.log:

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python tail -f trace.log

    These events describe the server operation up until this point. For instance, fork(<0.102.0>,<0.808.0>,{calc_server_bug,loop,[0]}) indicates that the main thread that invokes the function start() launches calc_server_bug.loop(n) as a thread with n = 0. Once this operation is completed, the main thread terminates, exit(<0.102.0>,normal). Meanwhile, the calculator server thread exhibits the init event, subsequent to which, produces the recv and send program events following our /add 10 97 request issued from the telnet CLI. Here, <0.102.0> is the PID of the main thread invoking start(), and <0.808.0>, the PID of the server process.

  7. Keeping the tail window open, try issuing a multiplication request to the server:

    /mul 10 97

    You should see the recv and send events written to trace.log.

  8. We can stop the server by issuing a stop request using telnet:

    Connection closed by foreign host.

    The corresponding server interaction and termination events are written to trace.log.


The correct implementation of the server in the calc_server Python module can be launched following the steps above.

Offline instrumentation in action

Since the sHML specifications in the script used for our inline instrumentation demo target the same function names calc_server_bug:loop/1 and calc_server:loop/1, we need not regenerate the respective analysers. Close tail by pressing Ctrl+C. Create a new directory ebin inside examples/python, and copy the file examples/erlang/ebin/prop_add_rec.beam to it.

[duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python (venv)$ mkdir ebin
[duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python (venv)$ cp ../erlang/ebin/prop_add_rec.beam ebin
[duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python (venv)$ ls -l ebin
-rw-r--r--  1 duncan  duncan  2748 Jun 14 10:52 prop_add_rec.beam

To monitor log files, detectEr employs a concept similar to the tail utility we have just used. Offline instrumentation is launched using module:start_offline/4, that accepts four arguments:

  1. the path of the log file where events are written (the log file need not necessarily exist; it will be automatically opened for parsing when created),

  2. the PID of the root program process,

  3. the function mfa_spec/1 of the analyser we want to use,

  4. an option list.

The options supported by monitor:start_offline/4 are identical to those of monitor:start_online/3.

Let us set up outline instrumentation.

  1. Make sure you are in the directory /detecter/examples/python. Delete trace.log:

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python$ rm trace.log
  2. Launch a new Erlang shell, adding the detectEr binaries and the ebin directory containing the copied prop_add_rec.beam:

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python$ erl -pa ../../detecter/ebin ebin
    Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.2.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]
    Eshell V11.2.1  (abort with ^G)
  3. Start offline instrumentation by invoking start_offline/4. The first argument points to our yet-to-be-created trace.log file, the second is the PID of the root program process, third comes the analyser module, and finally, the list of options, which we leave empty. The root PID is required to bootstrap outline instrumentation. Recall that in our specific case, this is the PID of main thread that invokes the function start(). We convert the PID manually from the constituent component parts 0, 102, 0 to an Erlang PID using the BIF pid/3.

    1> monitor:start_offline("trace.log", pid(0,102,0), fun prop_add_rec:mfa_spec/1, []).
    init_it: Starter=<0.84.0>, Parent=<0.84.0>, Name={local,log_poller}, Mod=log_poller, Args=["trace.log"], Opts=[]
  4. Launch the buggy calculator server from a separate terminal emulator window, as done previously.

    [duncan@local]:/examples/python/src (venv)$ python -m demo.calc_server_bug 0 ../trace.log
    Started server on

    detectEr automatically registers the creation of trace.log and starts analysing events right away. It instruments the analyser and promptly analyses the first process event, init. This is translated to the internal Erlang spawned event (see From specification to analyser).

    *** [<0.86.0>] Instrumenting monitor for MFA pattern '{calc_server_bug,loop,[0]}'.
    *** [<0.89.0>] Analyzing event {trace,<0.808.0>,spawned,<0.102.0>,{calc_server_bug,loop,[0]}}.
  5. Let us submit an addition request through telnet.

    [duncan@local]:/detecter/examples/python$ telnet localhost 8080
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    /add 10 97

    The Erlang shell hosting detectEr shows that this leads to the rejection verdict no, corresponding to a violation of property P3.

    *** [<0.89.0>] Analyzing event {trace,<0.808.0>,'receive',{<0.610.0>,{add,10.0,97.0}}}.
    *** [<0.89.0>] Analyzing event {trace,<0.808.0>,send,{ok,-87.0},<0.610.0>}.
    *** [<0.89.0>] Reached verdict 'no'.
  6. Stop the server:

    Connection closed by foreign host.
  7. Stop the outline instrumentation. We need to do this since the log is read in a forward-only manner, and rewriting to it disrupts the parsing mechanism.


    The output on the Erlang shell is the same as the one we have seen previously with outline instrumentation, where analysers are terminated promptly upon verdict detection.

Testing the correct server implementation

Go ahead and test the correct calculator server implementation, calc_server, following the above steps. Remember to remove trace.log prior to starting detectEr in offline mode, otherwise it will process the events from our previous run. When executing /add requests, you should be able to see the offline analyser recurse via variable X.

1> monitor:start_offline("trace.log", pid(0,102,0), fun prop_add_rec:mfa_spec/1, []).
init_it: Starter=<0.84.0>, Parent=<0.84.0>, Name={local,log_poller}, Mod=log_poller, Args=["trace.log"], Opts=[]
*** [<0.86.0>] Instrumenting monitor for MFA pattern '{calc_server,loop,[0]}'.
*** [<0.89.0>] Analyzing event {trace,<0.808.0>,spawned,<0.102.0>,{calc_server,loop,[0]}}.
*** [<0.89.0>] Analyzing event {trace,<0.808.0>,'receive',{<0.612.0>,{add,10.0,97.0}}}.
*** [<0.89.0>] Analyzing event {trace,<0.808.0>,send,{ok,107.0},<0.612.0>}.
*** [<0.89.0>] Unfolding rec. var. 'X'.

Issuing both /mul and /stp requests leads to the inconclusive verdict end.

*** [<0.89.0>] Reached verdict 'end' on event {trace,<0.808.0>,'receive',{<0.612.0>,{mul,10.0,97.0}}}.

Congratulations on completing this tutorial! Woohoo!